We react and act out in negative ways such as anger, anxiety, bad habits and attitudes because that is the way we feel inside.  Many times it is the way we were taught to react.  We often learn these unhealthy behaviors from a parent or someone we were influenced by growing up.  These behaviors can be referred to as knowns in the subconscious where everything is a known and therefore familiar and comfortable even if it is an uncomfortable reaction.

Many of us are so used to berating ourselves and talking down to ourselves because we think we are not enough in someway.  This negative self-talk is harmful, unhealthy and creates a bad self-image. Remember we are most suggestible to ourselves so if we are putting ourselves down in someway, it creates doubt and a lack of confidence.  These negative feelings influence us on a daily basis. They create anxiety, fear, agitation, and other sabotaging behaviors affecting our lives and relationships in very unhealthy ways

As a hypnotherapist my clients often say things like, “A part of me knows what I am doing is wrong, but I can’t seem to change it”. The client and I work together to combine the resources that work for each individual. Some examples are hypnotherapy, 7/11 breathing, emotional freedom technique, imagery, yoga, mediation and exercise. What I show clients is how bring these simple tools into their lives in order to create a positive state of mind leading to a happier life.

Asking certain questions and speaking to ourselves in a kinder way then we are accustomed to, is key.  When you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, ideally you would ask yourself something like, “What can I learn from this experience? What do I believe about myself that keeps me creating this situation or circumstance? How can I handle this in a way that will have a healthier out-come?  Can I show myself and/or others more love, and compassion?

In asking yourself these kinds of questions you are allowing yourself to delve deeper into the part of you that wants to grow and learn and be the best you can be.


Ava Evans, C.Ht.

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