
How Nurturing and Self Love Can Change Your Life For the Better.

Unfortunately we are usually not taught self-love or how to nurture ourselves. As a matter of fact many of us cannot even relate to what self -love really means or how to create it in our lives. Some people think that it’s selfish or narcissistic to put yourself first in any way. The problem is that when you put yourself…

Self Confidence

Self Confidence is a learned behavior that we can practice  thus allowing it to become a “good habit.” Adding hypnotherapy allows these good habits to become more easily integrated into your life. Using hypnosis accesses the most powerful part of your mind, the subconscious, allowing these positive and productive new thought processes to become more comfortable and familiar.   Hypnotherapy…

Informative Article on The Differences between Stress And Anxiety

This article is very clear and gives us some good information regarding Stress and Anxiety. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/25/stress-anxiety-difference_n_4833172.html?ir=Healthy%20Living&utm_campaign=022514&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Alert-healthy-living&utm_content=Tit Ava Evans,C.Ht. Therapeutic Hypnosis 818-314-5905

Sweet, Vulnerable..Authentic

Showing that part of us that is loving, sweet and vulnerable is hugely important for our society but mostly it is important for ourselves. Many of us have lost sight of our authentic selves.  We learn to rush throughout our days busy with getting to the next thing we think we have to do, losing touch with that gentle, caring…


Resilience is a form of bouncing back from set backs we experience in life. We can learn and choose to be resilient, in doing this we begin to see things very differently therefore making better choices for ourselves. An article on “5 Ways to Become More Resilient “ http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4065246/ Ava Evans, C.Ht. Therapeutic Hypnosis 818-314-5905

Have You Ever Been Hypnotized?

Well if you haven’t, according to my clients, it’s sure worth a try. As you may have read, hypnosis is this really relaxing state that is like drifting off in time and space or like that sort of day-dreamy feeling like right before sleep. Yet you are NOT asleep, just amazingly relaxed. Some clients come in so stressed and anxious…