
In the Moment

You hear that phrase bantered around a lot these days and for good reason. It is finally becoming fashionable to add consciousness into our lives. Fashionable yes, easy no, because just like bad habits are developed so are the good ones and making changes takes commitment and awareness. Whether you have spent your life being unconscious, unaware and uninterested in…

Hypnosis and The State of Trance

If you have been reading my previous blogs on hypnosis/hypnotherapy you will certainly enjoy this article. The article speaks to the everyday occurrences of trance states that we often go in and out of during the day, such as driving, daydreaming and even playing video games. Hypnosis is a controlled relaxed state of trance that allows hypnotherapists to bring about…

Get Hypnotized and Feel The Calm

What I consistently hear after a session with a client is how wonderfully relaxed they feel. Some clients state that they have never felt so calm and peaceful. Hypnosis is similar to guided meditation. Visualizing or imagining is an important component of hypnosis. I have yet to meet someone who comes in for hypnosis who can’t visualize. Can you visualize…

How Nurturing and Self Love Can Change Your Life For the Better.

Unfortunately we are usually not taught self-love or how to nurture ourselves. As a matter of fact many of us cannot even relate to what self -love really means or how to create it in our lives. Some people think that it’s selfish or narcissistic to put yourself first in any way. The problem is that when you put yourself…

Self Confidence

Self Confidence is a learned behavior that we can practice  thus allowing it to become a “good habit.” Adding hypnotherapy allows these good habits to become more easily integrated into your life. Using hypnosis accesses the most powerful part of your mind, the subconscious, allowing these positive and productive new thought processes to become more comfortable and familiar.   Hypnotherapy…