
Untangle Yourself From The Negative

Learning to NOT get entangled in negative thoughts creates more calm as well as feelings of contentment. We have heard the phrase “mindfulness” ; it is pausing – taking the time you need to recognize your thoughts for what they are…yet not getting caught up in them. That’s the key. Thoughts come and go, just pausing, noticing the mental state,…

How To Be Happy With Yourself

There are many different roads to becoming happy with your self.  Most importantly is learning to love, accept and appreciate yourself, for the unique individual you are. That can be learned just as confidence can be learned. The problem is that you learned the negative self talk and you learned it well.  It is learned through families, societies, teachers, friends…

Give Me A Hug… It’s Good For You And Me

Hugging is healthy, there is no doubt about it. Hugging eliminates fears, lowers your blood pressure, releases feel good chemicals related to social bonding and is a natural stress reliever.Here is a good article about the benefits of hugging. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/27/health-benefits-of-huggin_n_5008616.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopula   Ava Evans,C.Ht. Therapeutic Hypnosis 818-314-5905

Hypnotherapy For Life Changes

“Change is the only constant in life” . The question is are you changing for the better? Are you making a choice to improve your life or are you coasting into an unconscious fog of change? Many times we do not even realize the negative aspects of living an unconscious life until we realize our lives are just not working…

Changes That Bring You More Happiness

There are behaviors we engage in that create dissatisfaction and unhappiness in our lives. The good news is you have the ability to bring awareness to these habits or behaviors and change the tide toward more joy, fun, and creativity. Yes it’s up to you! Holding Anger and Resentment Forgiveness is essential, holding on to that anger and resentment ends…

Some Easy Ways to Bring Relaxation Into Your Life

These are some great ways to relax yourself each day or whenever you choose. It is empowering to know that we can access relaxation whenever we wish. Here are some easy ways to bring about that calm, ease and comfort. http://greatist.com/happiness/40-ways-relax-5-minutes-or-less Ava Evans,C.Ht. Therapeutic Hypnosis 818-314-5905

Learning the Skill of Confidence

Confidence is the belief that you can accomplish your goals is a skill that you can learn.  The key is repetition, repetition, persistence,  and more persistence …   Your ability to commit is the key. Negative self- talk brings ALL who use it down. Get away from the people that put you down. Your thoughts influence your actions. “Reaffirm that you…

Intuition, That Gut Feeling

Our intuition resides in the subconscious mind and we use it all the time.  Many of us are unaware just how much our intuition or gut feelings lead us to make good decisions. Conversely, when we ignore our intuition or listen to the fear based voice within the conscious mind, (I call it the crazy roommate), we are more susceptible…